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Learning Objectives
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Chapter 24 teaches students about:

  • The stabilization of the Cold War by about 1955, despite the continuation of the arms race and global competition between the two superpowers.
  • The construction of the Berlin Wall; and, the escalation of tensions between the Soviet Union and the U.S. during the Cuban missile crisis.
  • The American involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • The Brezhnev Doctrine.
  • Nixon-Kissinger policies, the increased pressure on the Soviets to pursue détente and the SALT I and the Helsinki Accords.
  • The causes of and responses to the economic recession of 1974.
  • The waning faith in Keynesian economics and the rise of conservative governments in the U.S. and western Europe that scaled back social spending.
  • The renewed escalation of the Cold War in the late 1970s.
  • The enlargement of the European Community and efforts to increase integration and revitalize the Community's economy.
  • The Reagan years, the expansion of nuclear capabilities, and the end of Cold War conflicts.

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