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Chapter Quiz
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High morale is likely to result in _____.
A)reduced turnover
B)reduced motivation
D)low productivity
E)low returns to stake holders
Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic reward?
A)Praise for a job well done
B)Recognition for contributing to a successful project
C)A good raise during appraisal
D)Bonus for the additional effort put in
E)Satisfaction for having contributed to the society
To make workers produce more, Frederick Taylor suggested that:
A)they be given less time to do a job.
B)managers do not break down a job to components.
C)employees be let to determine the best way to perform a task.
D)managers should focus on increasing employees' intrinsic rewards.
E)financial incentives and performance-linked pay be used.
According to the Hawthorne studies, which of the following reasons did the workers report as reason for their satisfaction?
A)Higher pay and financial incentives
B)Friendly coworkers and supervisor's attention
C)Good physical conditions and work environment
D)Job flexibility and decision-making authority
E)Challenging job requirements and rewards
According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is a hygiene factor?
B)Recognition for work
C)Involvement in work
D)Relationship with peers
According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is a hygiene factor?
According to managers who adopt McGregor's Theory X:
A)people enjoy work.
B)work is as natural as play or rest.
C)people seek and accept responsibility.
D)workers need not be forced to do their jobs.
E)the average worker wants security.
Jake, a manager at Black Inc., follows McGregor's Theory X style of management. He is likely to assume that:
A)people enjoy work.
B)work is as natural as play or rest.
C)people seek and accept responsibility.
D)workers need not be forced to do their jobs.
E)average worker prefers to be directed.
Mary follows the Theory Y approach to management. She is likely to assume that:
A)her subordinates avoid responsibilities.
B)the average worker prefers to be directed.
C)the average worker has little ambition.
D)workers will commit to goals to receive personal rewards.
E)ingenuity and creativity do not help solve organizational problems.
Which of the following is true of telecommuters?
A)Telecommuters can keep up with today's fast pace of change.
B)Telecommuters do not create a security risk.
C)Career advancement opportunities may be hindered for telecommuters.
D)Telecommuting may cause the barriers between office and home to widen.
E)Telecommuting never face issues on work–life balance.

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