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Internet Connection
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Parents are a key agent of socialization. The National Fatherhood Initiative ( is an organization whose purpose is to educate fathers about their crucial role in socializing their children. Explore this site to learn more about the efforts of this organization.

  1. From the homepage, click on "About Us." What is the NFI's mission?
  2. Under "About Us," click on "History." Why did Don Eberly found the National Fatherhood Initiative?
  3. Do you agree that "Widespread fatherlessness is the most socially consequential problem of our time?" If so, what, in your view, are some of the reasons? Do you agree that American society needs organizations like this one?
  4. Click on "For the Media" on the left-hand side of the homepage, then "NFI in the News," select one article, and summarize it.
  5. Click on the link to "Research," at the top of the homepage, and then the link to "The Facts on Father Absence." Choose one fact from each of the nine categories listed which you feel speaks to the most pressing problems related to children lacking fathers. Write a single sentence explanation supporting each choice.

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