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Social Policy
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The rise in single-parent families, increased job opportunities for women, and the need for additional family income have all propelled an increasing number of mothers of young children into the paid labor force. Who then takes care of these children has become an issue of concern for many working parents in the United States.

To find out how Americans feel about the issue of child care, go to the Public Agenda Online web site ( Select the Issue Guides, and click on Poverty and Welfare. Scroll down to The Public View, and click on Bills & Proposals. Using the arrow to scroll to "Parents say it is important for families on welfare to have parents work, even if it means using child care." Answer the following question:

Look at the pie charts. What percent of those polled strongly agreed with the question?
What response would you have selected? Explain your answer.

Now click on Red Flags, and using the arrow, scroll to "The majority of Americans say low-income families should get child care assistance and parents say that poor children need quality day care to succeed."

What percent of respondents did not feel child care assistance should be available for all low income families so they can work?
Why do you suppose people are opposed to making child care assistance available for low-income families?

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