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Reel Society
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INSTRUCTIONS: The links below take you to video clips from Reel Society, a unique movie that brings sociology to life through the use of actors and scenarios involving life on campus, in the community, and within the family. These clips allow you to explore a wide variety of topics and issues, including culture, socialization, marriage and family, inequality, race and ethnicity, deviance, the media, social change, and more.

View the videos, answer the following questions below and discuss your answers with your classmates and instructor.

Agents of Socialization: Meet Dave, Molly, and Gita

Broadband (10176.0K)

Dial-up (1867.0K)

  • What were the main agents of socialization for you during your childhood? Compare these to the main socializing influences in your life today. Have the agents of socialization in your life changed? Do you think that most people would give the same answer? Why or why not?
  • Some of the key agents of socialization include family, school, peer groups, mass media, the work place, and the state. But this is certainly not an exclusive list of socialization agents. Describe the role in your life that some additional agents of socialization have played.

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