Peter S. Rose,
Texas A & M University Sylvia C. Hudgins,
Old Dominion University
ISBN: 0078034671 Copyright year: 2013
The Ninth Edition of Bank Management and Financial Services is publishing at a time when the world that we live in is changing rapidly. The entire financial sector is threatened by significant risks at home and abroad, inside and outside the individual financial firm. Bank Management and Financial Services is designed to help students master established management principles and to confront the perplexing issues of risk, regulation, technology, and competition that bankers and other financial-service managers see as their greatest challenges for the present and future. This new edition offers the student many of the key trends and changes in the financial-services sector. With this relevant information students are able to grasp the rapid changes that are happening in this course area and in the real world. Bank Management and Financial Services also remains the most readable and engaging text on the market, with a plethora of real-world examples and a robust support package for instructors.
Key Features of the Ninth Edition
A wealth of website citations, topic outlines, video clips, “filmtoids,” concept checks, and other supplemental information sources that allow users to explore in greater depth the topics appearing in each chapter.
Comprehensive exploration of new reform legislation that is changing the makeup of the financial services industry and expanding the dominant role of the largest financial firms.
Extensive discussion of modern regulations which control the capital that financial firms are required to hold, especially among the largest financial firms, whose failures could be particularly damaging to the stability of the financial system.
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