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Key Terms
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analytic intelligence  Sternberg's term to describe a person's ability to break down a problem or situation into the smaller parts of the whole.
basal metabolism rate (BMR)  The minimum amount of energy a person uses when in a resting state.
climacteric  The midlife change in hormone levels that affects fertility.
creative intelligence  Sternberg's term to describe a person's ability to solve problems in unique ways and to feel comfortable with new or different situations and ideas.
crystallized intelligence  Accumulated information and verbal skills over time, reflecting the effect of culture and learning; allows a person to make connections between information and/or objects.
downsizing  A reduction in a company's workforce to improve its total revenue.
emotional divorce  Sometimes partners learn to "withstand" each other. The only activities and interests they shared are ones that revolve around the children.
empty nest syndrome  The feelings parents may have as a result of their last child leaving home.
five factor model (FFM) of personality  McCrae and Costa's theory that there are five major personality traits, which they believe govern the adult personality.
fluid intelligence  The ability to think and act quickly and solve problems, as well as the ability to use abstract thinking.
generativity  Erikson's term for the ability to be useful to self and to society.
globalization  The outsourcing of much work to a less expensive labor supply in foreign countries.
hormone replacement therapy (HRT)  Menopause treatment whereby women receive hormone supplements.
menopause  Cessation of women's menstruation, typically occurring in the late 40s or early 50s.
midlife transition  Levinson's term to describe the period of life that bridges early and middle adulthood approximately ages 40 to 45.
positive psychology  A branch of psychology that emphasizes the impact of positive psychological traits on individual and group behaviors.
practical intelligence  Sternberg's term to describe "common sense"—a simple, logical understanding of a situation and how to work through a problem.
protective factors  Characteristics of resilient individuals that protect them from stress.
risk factors  The stressors that individuals experience, including poverty, chronic illness, and divorce.
sandwich generation  Term used to describe adults who are simultaneously caring for their children and their aging parents.
stage theorists  Theorists who consider stages of change across the lifespan and how one's personality interacts with the world.
stagnation  Erikson's term for boredom, self-absorption, and the inability to contribute to society.
trait theorists  Researchers who look at pieces of the personality (personality traits), as measured by detailed questionnaires.
work–family conflict  Phenomenon that occurs when a person's roles as caregiver and worker conflict or overlap.

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