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Learning Objectives
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After reading this chapter, the student should be able to address the following:

  1. Identify important health concerns of middle-aged adults. Distinguish between the normal physical aspects of aging and those that are abnormal.

  2. Review the normal sensory changes that occur during middle adult years.

  3. Identify factors in the intellectual development, maintenance, and decline common to the middle adult years.

  4. Discuss the relationship between weight and metabolism in middle adulthood.

  5. Outline the effects of alcohol in middle adulthood. Explain how they differ from effects in young adulthood.

  6. Discuss trends in physical fitness and muscularity in middle adult years; include the mediating effects of physical exercise in the maintenance of physical fitness.

  7. Discuss the normal changes in hormones for both men and women in middle age.

  8. Explain the climacteric as it occurs in both females and males.

  9. Discuss the nature of sexual activity during the middle adult years; describe the relationship between sexual practice and physiological changes in men and women.

  10. Explain the role of hormone treatments in treating menopause and other aspects of aging in women.

  11. Examine the debate on the decline and persistence of intellectual abilities with age.

  12. Present new views of intelligence, and discuss the relationship between memory and intelligence.

  13. Compare and contrast the ideas of fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence.

  14. Outline the qualities that distinguish highly creative adults from their less creative peers.

  15. Discuss peak times of creativity throughout the lifespan.

  16. Discuss factors that influence learning ability from early to late adulthood.

  17. Describe three ways learning can be enhanced in middle adulthood.

  18. Compare Levinson's three major developmental tasks of midlife transition in males.

  19. Describe the central themes in women's lives during the midlife transition that Levinson identified.

  20. Explain Erikson's stage of generativity and stagnation in middle adulthood.

  21. Discuss the five major personality traits that McCrae and Costa believe govern the adult personality.

  22. Compare and contrast trait theories and stage theories.

  23. Describe the gender similarities and differences in marriage at middle age.

  24. Describe changes in marital satisfaction over time.

  25. Discuss the effect of divorce on middle-aged adults and their children.

  26. Portray the changing relationship between middle-aged adults and their parents, siblings, spouses, children, and friends.

  27. Characterize the way in which the workplace is changing and the implications for training.

  28. Examine the midcareer crisis and suggest ways for dealing with the midcareer crisis.

  29. Discuss the most frequently cited problem of the middle-aged adult woman.

  30. Examine risk factors for stress and factors that protect people from stress.

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