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Key Terms
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action research  Formal methodology that involves collaborative investigation and co-learning to solve immediate problems and contribute to greater society.
advocate  To actively work on behalf of a person, cause, or idea.
change agent  Someone who helps bring about change to better human lives or conditions.
global community  Consideration of all humans in the world as being closer because of advances in technology and communication; people are united in common interests relating to health and basic freedoms.
helping professions  Professions that relate to people's physical, cognitive, and social-emotional well-being.
humanitarian  Efforts dedicated to improving the lives of human beings.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)  Law that details rights and guidelines for students with disabilities in the United States.
inquiry  Investigating, questioning, following a hunch to see what happens.
policy  A course of action to guide and determine decisions.
stakeholder  Individual who is affected by the actions of a larger group or organization

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