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Learning Objectives
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After reading this chapter, the student should be able to address the following:

  1. Describe both natural and assisted fertilization.

  2. Compare the major types of prenatal tests and why they are used.

  3. Name some influences on prenatal development.

  4. Talk about heredity. Why doesn't it work well all the time?

  5. Chart the stages of the prenatal period.

  6. Describe the Human Genome Project and how such a study might contribute to our understanding of genetics.

  7. Describe the role of the sperm and the ovum in reproduction.

  8. Explain the relationship of the menstrual cycle to the production and fertilization of the ovum.

  9. Define dizygotic and monozygotic twins, and explain why their respective incidence rates differ.

  10. Enumerate and define the most common causes of infertility.

  11. Describe the most common assistive reproduction techniques available to help infertile couples.

  12. Distinguish between closed adoption and open adoption. Discuss the historical context of changes in the procedures.

  13. Differentiate between meiosis and mitosis, and explain the function of each in human growth and reproduction.

  14. Describe the role of the mother's age in potential for errors in chromosomal division.

    Discuss the similarities and differences in identical twins and fraternal twins.

  15. Differentiate between chromosomes and genes.

    Name three infectious diseases that are potentially harmful to a fetus.

  16. Define phenotype and genotype.

  17. Describe the basic structure of DNA, and discuss its role in human reproduction; how does the manipulation of that DNA material make possible cloning?

  18. Differentiate when a person is homozygous and heterozygous for a trait.

  19. Describe chromosomal arrangement, and describe contributions regarding male and female chromosomal makeup.

  20. Identify and describe three chromosomal disorders.

  21. Identify and describe five genetic disorders.

  22. Define sex-linked inheritance, and provide examples.

  23. Distinguish between inherited genetic disorders and errors of chromosomal division.

  24. State the major features and anticipated uses of the Human Genome Project.

  25. Discuss the major implications of the application of the Human Genome Project information: Ethical, Legal, Social Implications (ELSI).

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