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Learning Objectives
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After reading this chapter, the student should be able to address the following:

  1. Summarize nutritional issues for children between the ages of 7 and 12.

  2. Describe the changes in physical development and motor skills of girls and boys in middle childhood.

  3. Identify the features of concrete operational thinking.

  4. Discuss the contributions of Piaget and the criticisms of his theoretical approach to children's cognitive development.

  5. Summarize Binet's view of intelligence and Wechsler's tools to measure intelligence.

  6. List and describe Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.

  7. Identify and describe the components of Sternberg's triarchic model of intelligence.

  8. Examine the issue of equity in testing for multi-cultural children.

  9. Discuss Bloom's taxonomy and how it relates to children and their thinking skills.

  10. Identify critical issues in framing questions for problem solving.

  11. Present the characteristics of good problem solvers and ways to improve children's problem-solving strategies.

  12. Identify the kinds of mistakes children make in problem solving.

  13. Examine problem-solving skills, including the use of the DUPE model.

  14. Examine the main issues of children's moral development and the role parents play.

  15. Describe the Big 6 Skills of problem solving.

  16. Identify similarities across all of the problem-solving strategies described.

  17. Identify Piaget's stages of how children conform to rules and describe Piaget's stages of moral development.

  18. State Kohlberg's six stages of moral reasoning and give an example of reasoning at each level.

  19. Discuss Gilligan's criticisms of Kohlberg's stages and summarize her theory of moral development.

  20. Identify changes in language usage during middle childhood.

  21. Compare the stage and nonstage theorist's explanation of the acquisition of reading skills.

  22. Identify strategies of maturing readers and identify Booth's levels of reading ability.

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