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Key Terms
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adolescent egocentrism  Self-centered thinking patterns of childhood that sometimes occur in the teen years.
anorexia nervosa  An eating disorder characterized by low body weight and distorted body image.
bulemia nervosa  An eating disorder featuring binge eating and purging.
clique  Group of friends who share similar interests and activities.
convergent thinking  Thinking used when a problem to be solved has one correct answer.
crowd  Reputation-based group whose members may or may not spend time with one another.
divergent thinking  Thinking used when a problem to be solved has many possible answers.
early-onset trajectory  Criminal behavior that begins before puberty.
executive functioning  Cognitive efforts involving attention and critical thinking.
formal operational stage  Piaget's fourth stage of cognitive development, featuring abstract thought and scientific thinking.
heterosexual  Sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex.
homosexual  Sexual attraction to members of the same sex.
hormonal balance  Change in hormone levels, one of the triggers of puberty.
identity crisis  Erikson's term for those situations, usually in adolescence, that cause us to make major decisions about our identity.
identity statuses  Marcia's categories that depict levels of crisis and commitment that contribute to a sense of identity.
imaginary audience  Adolescents' perception that others are constantly scrutinizing their behavior and appearance.
late-onset trajectory  Criminal behavior that begins after puberty.
LGBT  An acronym referring to lesbian (female), gay (male), bisexual, and transgender individuals; it can include a Q for queer or questioning (LGBTQ).
menarche  A girl's first menstruation.
personal fable  Adolescents' tendency to think of themselves in heroic or mythical terms.
puberty  The process of physical changes by which a child's body becomes an adult body capable of reproduction.
reticular activation system (RAS)  Complex subcortical system that protects the brain from being overwhelmed.
secular trend  The decreasing age of the onset of puberty.
spindle cells  Neurons that play a large role in emotion.

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