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The most reliable indication of the onset of adolescence is
A)the development of secondary sex characteristics.
B)age (11 years of age for girls, 12 years of age for boys).
C)a sharp increases in estrogen and progesterone in females, and testosterone and androgens in males.
D)passage through cultural initiation rites.
Refusing to maintain body weight for age and height, intense fear of weight gain, and a distorted body image describe a condition called
B)bulimia nervosa
C)anorexia nervosa.
D)adolescent stress syndrome.
Which of the following has been found to be a risk factor for an eating disorder?
A)being popular
B)being attractive
C)participating in certain sports
D)working in food service
The average age for first menarche in the United States is
A)10 years of age.
B)12.5 years of age.
C)15 years of age.
D)17.5 years of age.
The fourth Piagetian stage is
B)concrete operations.
C)formal operations.
Corin is part of a generation that wants to change the world by using only clean energy. He believes that his generation can decide to change the rules of the game. But once agreed on, all must follow the new rules. This would indicate that he is thinking at what level according to Piaget?
B)concrete operations
C)formal operations
Spindle cells are known to play a role in
A)modeling and imitation.
B)transmitting sensory information.
C)cognitive abilities.
D)emotional information.
The reticular activation system (RAS) is a part of the brain responsible for
A)fight / flight responses.
B)aggressive behavior.
C)memory systems.
D)protecting the brain from being overwhelmed by irrelevant data.
Adolescent egocentrism differs from preoperational egocentrism in that it
A)is rooted in reality. In the preoperational stage, egocentrism is rooted in ignorance.
B)is the result of social perspective taking. In the preoperational stage, egocentrism is rooted in immature perspective taking.
C)is all about "me, me, me." In the preoperational stage, egocentrism occurs because their brains are slow.
D)is rooted in immaturity in the temporal lobe. In the preoperational stage, egocentrism occurs because of an immature frontal lobe.
Audrey believes when she is at school, everyone is staring at her new haircut. In reality, no one is. Elkind argues this is due to the
A)personal fable.
B)imaginary audience.
Which kind of thinking is used when a problem has many possible answers?
According to Erikson's theory, the main task of the adolescent is to achieve
A)state of identity.
B)the identity crisis.
D)none of these.
Marcia argues for four identity statuses. Which of the following statements illustrates identity foreclosure?
A)Numerous crises have been experienced and resolved. Relatively permanent commitments have been made.
B)A number of crises have been experienced, but no commitments are made.
C)No crisis has been experienced, but commitments have been made. These are usually forced on the person by the parent.
D)No crisis has been experienced and no commitments have been made.
Marcia argues for four identity statuses. Which of the following statements illustrates identity moratorium?
A)Numerous crises have been experienced and resolved. Relatively permanent commitments have been made.
B)A number of crises have been experienced, but no commitments are made.
C)No crisis has been experienced, but commitments have been made. These are usually forced on the person by the parent.
D)No crisis has been experienced and no commitments have been made.
Marcia argues for four identity statuses. Which of the following statements illustrates identity achievement?
A)Numerous crises have been experienced and resolved. Relatively permanent commitments have been made.
B)A number of crises have been experienced, but no commitments are made.
C)No crisis has been experienced, but commitments have been made. These are usually forced on the person by the parent.
D)No crisis has been experienced and no commitments have been made.
Celia is in high school. All of her friends say they are having sex. Even though her religious beliefs are counter to premarital sex, when her boyfriend pressures her to have sex, she agrees. Marcia argues that this is a consequence of which identity status?
A)identity confusion
B)identity foreclosure
C)identity moratorium
D)identity achievement
Whose biopsychosocial theory places biological factors at the center, with psychological and social factors emerging immediately after birth?
A)Erik Erikson
B)Anna Freud
C)James Marcia
D)John Hill
Divorce is most likely to occur in families with
B)middle children.
C)young children.
Researchers attribute the resilience of those adolescents who are able to adapt to the stress of divorce to all of the following EXCEPT:
B)access to support systems.
C)family unity and peer relationships.
D)intelligent peers.
Peer groups serve all of the following functions EXCEPT:
A)encouraging aggressive impulses.
B)providing social support.
C)improving social skills.
D)strengthening values.
All of the following statements about peer relations in adolescence are true EXCEPT:
A)Teens seek out closer relationships with parents and teachers.
B)Teens spend twice as much time with peers than with family.
C)Teens begin interacting with peers of the opposite sex.
D)Teens become more aware of the values and behaviors of the larger adolescent subculture.
Which of the following statements correctly illustrates a positive aspect of peer groups?
A)Adolescents evaluate the values of peers, thus increasing their moral reasoning skills.
B)Adolescents with low self-esteem follow the actions of a peer group and feel more accepted.
C)Peers groups are an opportunity to mask or deny positive and negative feelings though activities.
D)Peer groups allow for chances to prove oneself to others, thus becoming a man or woman.
Jessica is part of a group of close friends who share similar interests and activities with her. She is part of a
Victims of sexual abuse are likely to have all of the following issues EXCEPT
A)eating disorders.
B)engaging in substance abuse.
D)running away.
Which of the following in a NOT a factor in teen birth?
A)history of sexual abuse
B)unsafe community
C)two-parent household
According to the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health), the incidence of a mental health issues among adolescents is
A)1 in 5 youth.
B)1 in 10 youth.
C)1 in 15 youth.
D)1 in 20 youth.
Which of the following is the most common psychological disorder found in adolescents?
B)anxiety disorder
C)eating disorder
D)attention deficit disorder
Out of the following teenagers, which one is statistically MOST likely to commit suicide?
A)Nerissa, a white female
B)Antonio, an African American male
C)Curtis, a Native American male
D)Makiko, an Asian female
Out of the following teenagers, which one is statistically LEAST likely to commit suicide?
A)Nathaniel, a white male
B)Bianca, an African American female
C)Curtis, a Native American male
D)Makiko, an Asian female
Which of the following factors are NOT related to suicide?
A)an associated psychiatric disorder
B)a recent stressful life event
C)peers who have attempted suicide
D)being on a sports team
In recent years, the rate of substance abuse among teens has
C)remained the same.
D)Statistics are not clear because of differences in definitions of "substance."
Which group of adolescent criminals tends to perform more serious crimes for a longer time, often continuing into adulthood?
A)early-onset trajectory
B)late-onset trajectory
C)stagnate trajectory
D)tragic trajectory
During adolescence, which factors have the greatest influence on teen criminal behavior?
A)family situation
C)antisocial parents
D)associations with delinquent friends

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