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Two Views of Presidential Candidate Howard Dean's Iowa Caucus Speech
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Two Views of Presidential Candidate Howard Dean’s Iowa Caucus Speech 1

Two Views of Presidential Candidate Howard Deans Iowa Caucus Speech 2 (35558.0K)

In the 2004 Presidential election, Democratic candidate Howard Dean made an impassioned speech to his supporters after coming in third in the Iowa Caucus. In this segment, we see two views of the identical event. The first video shows the speech as the crowd heard it. The second clip shows the speech as television viewers heard it, with the audience unseen and its sound muted. Might the fundamental attribution error have led TV audiences---focused on Dean, not the situation he was talking over---to discount the situational influence on the "Dean scream"?

Web Connections
A George Washington University site that describes the history of Howard Dean's 2004 Presidential campaign


1How did the audience view this speech by presidential candidate Howard Dean?

2What is different about what the television viewers heard?

3What is the significance of the difference between the two video clips?


4The audience view of Howard Dean was that he was appropriate and not overstated and not screaming.

5Because the audience sound was turned off for the television version of this video, viewers heard a louder and potentially undesirable version of Dean's speech.

6The television version of this speech may have negatively contributed to Dean's presidential campaign.

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