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Learning Goals
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Culture, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Learning Goal 1 Discuss the role of culture in the development of adolescents and emerging adults.
The Relevance of Culture for the Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Cross-Cultural Comparisons
Rites of Passage

Socioeconomic Status and Poverty

Learning Goal 2 Describe how socioeconomic status and poverty are related to adolescent development.
What Is Socioeconomic Status?
Socioeconomic Variations in Families, Neighborhoods, and Schools


Learning Goal 3 Summarize how ethnicity is involved in the development of adolescents and emerging adults.
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Special Juncture for Ethnic Minority Individuals
Ethnicity Issues

Media/Screen Time and Technology

Learning Goal 4 Characterize the roles of media/screen time and technology in adolescence and emerging adulthood.
Media/Screen Time
The Media and Music
Technology and digitally Mediated Communication
Social Policy and the Media

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