1 |  |  A set of expectations describing how males and females should think, act, and feel defines |
|  | A) | a self-schema. |
|  | B) | a gender role. |
|  | C) | gender intensification. |
|  | D) | sexism. |
2 |  |  Gender is |
|  | A) | biologically determined. |
|  | B) | influenced by biological, social, and cognitive factors. |
|  | C) | the result of parental influences. |
|  | D) | hormonally independent. |
3 |  |  Freud believed that |
|  | A) | gender and sexual behavior are the result of social context. |
|  | B) | gender and sexual behavior are essentially unlearned and instinctual. |
|  | C) | gender and sexual behavior are the result of parental influences. |
|  | D) | gender and sexual behavior are the result of observing other people's behavior. |
4 |  |  According to evolutionary psychologist David Buss, |
|  | A) | men and women's gender-role differences are biologically determined. |
|  | B) | gender-role differences are culturally based. |
|  | C) | men and women differ psychologically in those domains in which they have faced different problems during evolutionary history. |
|  | D) | parents' behavior strongly influences gender-role differences. |
5 |  |  According to evolutionary psychology, _____ is NOT an evolved disposition of men. |
|  | A) | violence |
|  | B) | competition |
|  | C) | risk taking |
|  | D) | compassion |
6 |  |  According to _____ theory, gender differences, like women performing more domestic work, mainly result from the contrasting roles of females and males. |
|  | A) | psychodynamic |
|  | B) | social role |
|  | C) | social cognitive |
|  | D) | gender schema |
7 |  |  The "anatomy-is-destiny" view of biological influences on gender is best reflected in _____ theory. |
|  | A) | David Buss's |
|  | B) | Erik Erikson's |
|  | C) | Jean Piaget's |
|  | D) | Alice Eagley's |
8 |  |  Carina has watched her mom bake cookies hundreds of times and helped several times. Today she bakes cookies for school by herself and her mom rewards her on being "such a good girl". Which theory of gender best explains this interaction? |
|  | A) | psychodynamic theory |
|  | B) | social role theory |
|  | C) | social cognitive theory |
|  | D) | gender schema theory |
9 |  |  Who provides the first models of gender behavior? |
|  | A) | siblings |
|  | B) | peers |
|  | C) | parents |
|  | D) | none of these because gender behaviors are biologically based |
10 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a recent research finding pertaining to the experiences of boys and girls in school? |
|  | A) | Teachers are more likely to criticize boys than girls. |
|  | B) | In many classrooms, teachers spend more time watching and interacting with boys. |
|  | C) | Teachers often give boys more time to answer a question and more hints at the correct answer. |
|  | D) | Girls and boys are equally likely to be grade repeaters. |
11 |  |  Which statement concerning the portrayal of females on television is true? |
|  | A) | Males and females are equally likely to be dressed in provocative clothing. |
|  | B) | Female characters are more likely than males to be portrayed as competent, autonomous, and active. |
|  | C) | Adolescent girls are portrayed as being almost equally concerned with dating, shopping, and their appearance as with school and career plans. |
|  | D) | Attractive girls are often typed as "air-heads" and intelligent girls as unattractive. |
12 |  |  One media study reported that the more that adolescent girls and boys watched entertainment TV, the more _____ their body images were. |
|  | A) | positive |
|  | B) | negative |
|  | C) | changeable |
|  | D) | confused |
13 |  |  The notion that gender typing emerges as children and adolescents gradually develop gender schemas is consistent with _____ theory. |
|  | A) | cognitive-developmental |
|  | B) | gender schema |
|  | C) | social role |
|  | D) | social cognitive |
14 |  |  Tom must choose between a modern dance class and swimming to satisfy a physical education requirement for graduation. He chooses swimming because dance is "too feminine." This is an example of |
|  | A) | gender inequity. |
|  | B) | androgyny. |
|  | C) | psychosexual conflict. |
|  | D) | gender schema. |
15 |  |  Gender schema theory states that today's adolescents are motivated to act in ways that _____ the gender schemas that they learn. |
|  | A) | contradict |
|  | B) | conform to |
|  | C) | make them think about |
|  | D) | make them change |
16 |  |  Recent research on gender stereotypes finds that |
|  | A) | these stereotypes no longer are prevalent in industrialized societies. |
|  | B) | boys and girls share most of the same gender stereotypes. |
|  | C) | boys' gender stereotypes are more rigid than girls' stereotypes. |
|  | D) | girls' gender stereotypes are more rigid than boys' stereotypes. |
17 |  |  Which of the following is an example of an instrumental trait? |
|  | A) | warm |
|  | B) | sensitive |
|  | C) | independence |
|  | D) | dependence |
18 |  |  There are several differences in the brains of males when compared to females. Which of the following is NOT one of those differences? |
|  | A) | A part of the hypothalamus that is involved in sexual behavior is larger in men then women. |
|  | B) | An area in the parietal lobe know to be involved in spatial thinking is larger in men then women. |
|  | C) | Female brains are approximately 10% larger then male brains. |
|  | D) | Female brains have more folds and larger folds giving them more surface brain tissue than male brains. . |
19 |  |  One of the most consistent gender differences is that |
|  | A) | boys are more likely to engage in physical aggression than girls. |
|  | B) | boys are more likely to engage in verbal aggression than girls. |
|  | C) | boys are more likely to engage in relational aggression than girls. |
|  | D) | there are few differences found between boys and girls in terms of aggression. |
20 |  |  Tammy spreads a malicious rumor about Teri in an attempt to get her friend to dislike Teri. This type of behavior is called _____ aggression. |
|  | A) | prosocial |
|  | B) | passive |
|  | C) | relational |
|  | D) | direct |
21 |  |  According to sociolinguist Deborah Tannen, _____ is NOT an example of "report talk." |
|  | A) | joking |
|  | B) | storytelling |
|  | C) | lecturing |
|  | D) | relationship negotiation |
22 |  |  Which developmentalist asserts that gender differences are due to social conditions that have resulted in women having less power and controlling fewer resources than men? |
|  | A) | David Buss |
|  | B) | Alice Eagly |
|  | C) | Janet Shibley Hyde |
|  | D) | Sandra Bem |
23 |  |  Janet Shibly Hyde summarized 44 meta-analyses of gender differences and similarities. She found the largest differences between males and females to be |
|  | A) | motor skills. |
|  | B) | math skills. |
|  | C) | communication skills. |
|  | D) | aggression. |
24 |  |  According to the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, an adolescent is androgynous if she scores |
|  | A) | high on masculinity and high on femininity. |
|  | B) | high on masculinity and low on femininity. |
|  | C) | low on femininity and low on masculinity. |
|  | D) | half-way between masculinity and femininity. |
25 |  |  According to the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, _____ people are the most mentally healthy and flexible. |
|  | A) | masculine |
|  | B) | feminine |
|  | C) | undifferentiated |
|  | D) | androgynous |
26 |  |  Which of these behaviors is MOST characteristic of the "boy code"? |
|  | A) | showing little emotion |
|  | B) | doing well in school |
|  | C) | learning to regulate emotions |
|  | D) | engaging in delinquent activities |
27 |  |  The gender intensification hypothesis states that behavioral differences between males and females become greater during adolescence as a result of |
|  | A) | hormones. |
|  | B) | pressures to conform to stereotypes. |
|  | C) | television commercials. |
|  | D) | the development of a new schema. |
28 |  |  The idea that gender stereotyping would be reduced if we view ourselves as people first, not just our gender identification is known as |
|  | A) | gender-nullification theory. |
|  | B) | gender-role transference. |
|  | C) | androgyny. |
|  | D) | gender-role transcendence. |
29 |  |  According to Carol Gilligan, which of these statements about females and adolescence is NOT true? |
|  | A) | Androgynous girls have little voice in public contexts. |
|  | B) | At about 11 or 12 years of age, girls discover that the male-dominated society does not value their interest in intimacy. |
|  | C) | Girls are presented with a choice of appearing selfish or selfless. |
|  | D) | Girls experience life differently than boys do. |
30 |  |  Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms of Gilligan's research? |
|  | A) | She exaggerates the differences in intimacy and connectedness between males and females. |
|  | B) | She underemphasizes gender differences. |
|  | C) | She rarely includes comparison groups of boys in her research. |
|  | D) | Her findings reinforce stereotypes that might undermine females' struggle for equality. |