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Matching Quiz
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Match each person's name with the concept of adolescent moral development with which the person is associated.

Lawrence Kohlberg


Carol Gilligan


Hugh Hartshorne and Mark May


Albert Bandura


Sigmund Freud


John Dewey


William Damon


Walter Mischel

A)developed a six-stage model of moral development, with three levels of moral reasoning
B)believed that moral education was a "hidden curriculum" in schools
C)found that adolescents are more likely to cheat when pressured by friends and the chances of being caught are slim
D)states that situations trump traits when attempts are made to predict moral behavior
E)resolution of the Oedipus complex and identification with the same-sex parent is associated with moral development
F)resolution of the Oedipus complex and identification with the same-sex parent is associated with moral development
G)people don't usually engage in harmful conduct until they have justified the morality of their action to themselves
H)asserts that a major difficulty confronting today's youth is their lack of a clear sense of what they want to do with their lives

Match the name of each of Kohlberg's three levels of moral development with its characteristics.

Conventional Reasoning


Preconventional Reasoning


Postconventional Reasoning


Punishment and obedience orientation


Individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange


Mutual interpersonal expectations


Social systems morality


Social contract


Universal ethical principles

A)people are nice to others so others will be nice to them
B)moral thinking is often tied to fear of punishment
C)values, rights, and principles undergird or transcend the law
D)judgments are based on understanding the social order, law, justice, and duty
E)The individual recognizes alternative moral courses, explores the options, and then decides on a personal moral code.
F)Individuals abide by certain internal standards, but they are the standards of others, such as parents or the laws of society.
G)a person will follow his or her own conscience even though the decision might involve personal risk
H)Individual shows no internalization of moral values; moral reasoning is controlled by external rewards and punishment.
I)individuals value trust, caring, and loyalty to others

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