Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 5/e
Theodore Schick, Jr.,
Muhlenberg College Lewis Vaughn
ISBN: 0078038251 Copyright year: 2013
Feature Summary
A coherent theoretical framework aids students in their understanding of contemporary and traditional philosophical problems.
Thought experiments describe the possible situations in which a particular theory should hold, encouraging students to examine both the theory and the thought experiment. "Thought Probes" throughout each chapter challenge students to conduct their own thought experiments.
Classic and contemporary readings at the end of each chapter provides context for the philosophical theories and thought experiments. Each set of readings concludes with a piece of fiction that revisits many of the philosophical questions examined in the chapter.
"In the Courts" and "In the News" boxes in each chapter show how legal decisions and current events inform and are influenced by philosophical thinking, providing students with additional examples of philosophy at work in the world around them.
"Reading Questions" accompany each of the readings, helping students to better identify and evaluate key points in the selection.
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