Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 5/e
Theodore Schick, Jr.,
Muhlenberg College Lewis Vaughn
ISBN: 0078038251 Copyright year: 2013
Revision Changes
New readings by Richard Dawkins, John Dupre, Geoffrey Klempner, and Ernest Sosa acquaint students with philosophical thinking at the forefront of current research.
New sections on justice and the state, God and science, the nature vs. nurture debate, and virtue epistemology show students how philosophical thinking informs current debates in politics, religion, and science.
Expanded discussions of political libertarianism, metaphysical libertarianism, compatibilism, animalism, the categorical imperative, and the Gettier problem provide deeper understanding of important philosophical theories and reveal how philosophical thinking responds to scientific discoveries.
New boxes and Thought Probes (critical thinking sections based on philosophical concepts) encourage students to think more deeply about the various implications of philosophical theories.
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