Doing Philosophy
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 5/e

Theodore Schick, Jr., Muhlenberg College
Lewis Vaughn

ISBN: 0078038251
Copyright year: 2013

Table of Contents


CHAPTER 1 The Philosophical Enterprise
Section 1.1 Explaining the Possibility of the Impossible: Philosophical Problems and Theories
Section 1.2 Evidence and Inference: Proving Your Point
Section 1.3 The Laboratory of the Mind: Thought Experiments

CHAPTER 2 The Mind-Body Problem
Section 2.1 The Ghost in the Machine: Mind as Soul
Section 2.2 You Are What You Eat: Mind as Body
Section 2.3 I, Robot: Mind as Software
Section 2.4 There Ain't No Such Things as Ghosts: Mind as Myth
Section 2.5 The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Mind as Quality

CHAPTER 3 Free Will and Determinism
Section 3.1 The Luck of the Draw: Freedom as Chance
Section 3.2 The Mother of Invention: Freedom as Necessity
Section 3.3 Control Yourself: Freedom as Self-Determination

CHAPTER 4 The Problem of Personal Identity
Section 4.1 We Are Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On: Self as Substance
Section 4.2 Golden Memories: Self as Psyche
Section 4.3 You Can't Step into the Same River Twice: Self as Process

CHAPTER 5 The Problem of Relativism and Morality
Section 5.1 Don't Question Authority: Might Makes Right
Section 5.2 The End Justifies the Means: Good Makes Right
Section 5.3 Much Obliged: Duty Makes Right
Section 5.4 Character is Destiny: Virtue Makes Right

CHAPTER 6 The Problem of Evil and the Existence of God
Section 6.1 The Mysterious Universe: God as Creator
Section 6.2 When Bad Things Happen to Good People: God as Troublemaker
Section 6.3 Faith and Meaning: Believing the Unbelievable

CHAPTER 7 The Problem of Skepticism and Knowledge
Section 7.1 Things Aren't Always What They Seem: Skepticism about Skepticism
Section 7.2 Facing Reality: Perception and the External World
Section 7.3 What Do You Know? Knowing What Knowledge Is


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