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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which philosophical tradition includes existentialism and phenomenology?
A)analytic philosophy
B)Absolute Idealism
C)continental philosophy
Which is not a theme an existentialist would be likely to accept?
A)Metaphysics can reveal the reason and purpose of life.
B)Life is meaningless and irrational.
C)Most people live dull, limited and unfulfilling lives.
D)Each individual is alone in the world.
What was the fundamental philosophical question for Albert Camus?
A)Does God exist?
B)Is there any reason not to commit suicide?
C)What should I wear to my funeral?
D)Will I survive death?
How can we give life purpose in a purposeless world, according to Camus?
A)Kill yourself.
B)Seek God.
C)Rebel against the absurd.
D)It can't be done.
Why is man abandoned, according to Jean-Paul Sartre?
A)Because technology no longer serves human needs.
B)Because there is no God.
C)Because there is no other life in the solar system.
D)Because we must all die.
Which best describes what Sartre means by good faith?
A)Being honest and keeping our promises.
B)Believing in God no matter what.
C)Taking responsibility for the choices we make.
D)Wanting to do the objectively right thing.
Phenomenology originated from which of the following distinctions?
A)Kant's distinction between the phenomenal and the noumenal world.
B)Descartes' distinction between the material and the mental world.
C)Plato's distinction between the world of matter and the world of forms.
D)Locke's distinction between primary and secondary qualities.
How was Edmund Husserl's philosophy similar to Descartes'?
A)He too advocated mind/matter dualism.
B)He too advocated a subject/object dualism.
C)He too applied the method of doubt.
D)He too sought to achieve rational certainty by grounding the truth in a deeper source.
What does authentic existence require for the early, existentialist Heidegger?
A)Belief in God.
B)Belief in the superior man.
C)Taking responsibility for one's choices.
D)Understanding oneself as a being-unto-death.
Which would the late Heidegger accept?
A)Language is human-centered.
B)A human being should be one who simply and quietly dwells in Being.
C)Humans should impose their will on Being.
D)Humans must look to themselves for enlightenment.
Which is true of Jurgen Habermas?
A)He believes that human nature is a creation of God.
B)He thinks that humans should be studied as objective things in isolation from other humans.
C)He is a Marxist.
D)He is a Marxian.
What did Michel Foucault claim concerning epistemes?
A)They form a continuous series leading to the advancement of truth over superstition.
B)They are socially created realities that serve as the ground of truth for their eras.
C)They are discovered, not made.
D)They can be the basis of objective truth-claims.
For French structuralist anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, what is a culture?
A)A system of signs.
B)A conversation.
C)A common heritage.
D)A common language.
What would Jacques Derrida say about the essential meaning of a text?
A)It means whatever the author intended for it to mean.
B)It means whatever the reader understands it to mean.
C)It means whatever the majority of experts take it to mean.
D)A trick question, since he rejects the whole notion of essential meaning.
Which term is not generally associated with Jacques Derrida?
B)deconstructive method
D)the free play of signifiers
Who searched for a group of rules that accounts for the social complexities of even so-called primitive cultures?
A)Jacques Derrida
B)Michel Foucault
C)Martin Heidegger
D)Claude Levi-Strauss
Who thought it was impossible to totalize everything that exists; that what exists is infinite?
A)Jacques Derrida
B)Michel Foucault
C)Martin Heidegger
D)Alain Badiou
Modern linguistics is based on the work of which philosopher?
A)Michel Foucault
B)Ferdinand de Saussure
C)Jürgen Habermas
D)Martin Heidegger
Critical theory is associated with which philosopher?
A)Jacques Derrida
B)Michel Foucault
C)Martin Heidegger
D)Jürgen Habermas
Who made the study of multiplicity the centerpiece of his thought?
A)Michel Foucault
B)Ferdinand de Saussure
C)Jürgen Habermas
D)Gilles Deleuze

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