Each kidney is made up of about 1 million filtering units called __________.A) capillaries B) veins C) alveoli D) nephrons 2.
Your brain can control your breathing rate depending on the amount of __________ present in your blood.A) sugar B) water C) carbon dioxide D) oxygen 3.
What happens to most of the water, sugar, and salts filtered from the blood in the kidneys?A) They are reabsorbed and returned to the blood. B) They leave through the digestive system. C) They are converted into urine. D) They are exhaled from the lungs. 4.
Besides the kidney, what other organ also filters blood to remove wastes?A) lungs B) liver C) heart D) bladder 5.
Which one of the following is a disease of the respiratory system in which alveoli in the lungs enlarge?A) lung cancer B) emphysema C) asthma D) chronic bronchitis 6.
The __________ system is made up of several different systems that function together to remove wastes from your bodyA) respiratory B) urinary C) circulatory D) excretory 7.
Which one of the following problems can occur if someone's kidneys don't work properly?A) less oxygen enters the capillaries B) an imbalance of salts C) few if any problems would occur D) an increase of carbon dioxide in the blood 8.
What area of the brain constantly monitors the amount of water in the blood?A) kidney B) hypothalamus C) nephron D) bladder 9.
Inhaling the tar in __________ is the greatest contributing factor to lung cancer.A) polluted air B) coal dust C) asbestos D) cigarette smoke 10.
The liquid left behind in the nephron following filtration is called __________.A) sugar B) salt C) urine D) blood 11.
The urinary system is important in regulating __________ in the body.A) fluid levels B) waste gases C) undigested material D) oxygen 12.
Which of the following is a method used to save the life of a choking victim?A) emphysema B) bronchitis C) respiration D) abdominal thrusts 13.
When you swallow, the epiglottis prevents __________.A) food or liquid from entering your airway B) air from entering your lungs C) carbon dioxide from entering your lungs D) dust and bacteria from entering your airway 14.
The __________ is a tubelike passageway used by food, liquid, and air.A) nostril B) larynx C) pharynx D) epiglottis 15.
Some early experiments showed that a mouse could live in a container in which a plant had first been grown. What did the plant produce that the mouse needed?A) carbon dioxide B) oxygen C) food D) water vapor 16.
What is the function of cilia that line the nasal cavity?A) produce sticky mucus B) moisten the air taken in C) trap dust from the air D) sweep away mucus and trapped materials 17.
Which one of the following is a lung disorder that occurs when the bronchial tubes contract quickly?A) emphysema B) chronic bronchitis C) asthma D) common cold 18.
During dialysis an artificial kidney machine is used to __________.A) increase lung pressure B) produce bile C) remove wastes from blood D) pump blood through the heart 19.
Which one of the following is the correct pathway of air after it enters the nasal passages?A) lungs, bronchi, trachea, larynx, pharynx B) larynx, pharynx, bronchi, trachea, lungs C) pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs D) larynx, trachea, pharynx, bronchi, lungs 20.
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs takes place between the __________.A) pharynx and lungs B) bronchi and bronchiles C) nostrils and lungs D) alveoli and capillaries