Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry

Web Links

Properties of Matter
Visit this site for a review of the properties of matter. Complete the Concept Understanding activities to reinforce your learning.
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Ozone Depletion
This U.S. EPA site provides information about ozone depletion and regulations designed to protect the ozone layer. Clcik on "Ozone Science" for twenty questions and answers about ozone depletion.
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This site covers various topics in chemistry. Visit this site to research a way that chemistry affects your everyday life. Write an entry about this in your Science Journal.
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The American Chemical Society

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Using the Scientific Method to Improve Your Social Life
This introduction and explanation of the scientific method gives a fresh, real-life look at scientific problem solving. Visit this site and repeat the fun Twinkie experiments from the link at the bottom of the page.
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News Coverage - Ozone Hole
Visit this Web site to learn more about the ozone hole and how it is treated in the news today. Read some articles on the site and develop a news report to explain the dangers of ozone depletion.
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The Human Genome Project
Since 1990, a group of scientists have been attempting to map the entire human genome. Visit this site to discover how biochemistry is used to map the human genome. Develop a timeline of the Human Genome Project in your Science Journal.
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