Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 16: Energy and Chemical Change

Web Links

Energy Quest
Visit this interactive site to learn about energy and how it's used. Click on the energy time machine. What significant event occurred on January 7, 1980?
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Using Thermochemical Equations
Use this site for practice using thermochemical equations. How many problems can you solve correctly?
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Energy Information
This Web site is a treasure trove of information about energy. As your mouse pointer moves across a topic a menu drops down. Explore this site and its many links to learn more about energy.
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Alternative Fuels Data Center
This government site contains links about alternative fuels, alternative vehicles, and much more. Explore the many links on this site to learn more about alternative fuels.
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Hess’s Law
This Web site goes into detail explaining Hess’s Law. Work through the problems on this site and see if you come up with the same solutions.
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Volcanoes and Geothermal Energy
Visit this site to view 122 slides on volcanoes and geothermal energy. Click the arrow that points to the right below the photo to advance to the next photo. The “i” beside the arrows is an index of the photos.
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