Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 2: Data Analysis

Web Links

Units: The International System
This University of North Carolina web site provides an online dictionary of units of measurement. Follow the links for metric measurement to find out what is meant by the MKS system.
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Dimensional Analysis
Increase your understanding of dimensional analysis with the help of the Department of Physics at the University of Guelph. Take the online quizzes for extra practice.
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International System of Units from NIST
The National Institute of Science and Technology provides complete data on SI units and fundamental constants. Visit this site and develop your own laboratory handbook that details the main SI units.
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Scientific Notation
This site explains scientific notation. Visit this site and complete the final practice worksheet at the end.
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Convert It!
This online algorithm will convert various mathematical units. Visit this site and crunch some numbers for yourself.
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Significant Figures
This site has a tutorial about significant figures. Visit this site and take the quiz at the end of the tutorial.
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