Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 21: Electrochemistry

Web Links

Longer-life Lithium Batteries
Learn more about the U.S. Department of Energy's ongoing research to improve lithium batteries.
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The History of Fuel Cells
Explore this site of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History to learn more about fuel cells.
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A Biography of Count Alessandro Volta
This Web site has a wonderful biography of Count Volta. Click on the links to take you to different Web pages to read about different aspects of this man’s life.
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How batteries work
Visit this site to learn how batteries work. Be sure to click on the links that take you through the entire article.
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More on How Batteries Work
Visit this site for more information about how batteries work. Check out the other links on battery history and rechargeable batteries too.
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Why are some batteries rechargeable and others are not?
Visit this site to find out why some batteries, such as nickel cadmium batteries, are rechargeable while other batteries are not. Write a brief paragraph in your Science Journal on the advantages and disadvantages of rechargeable batteries.
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High-Powered Batteries for Hybrid Automobiles
This site explains some of the research that was performed to produce the high-powered batteries for hybrid cars. Read this article and find out the fuel efficiency expected using a hybrid gasoline and battery system.
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Fuel Cells
This Web site should answer your questions about fuel cells. Click on the links to learn about a fuel cell and then go to the links for news releases.
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How Fuel Cells Work
This site explains how a fuel cell works. Click on the links to proceed through the article.
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