The Synthesis of Element 114 In 1998 the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, and Lawrence Livermore (California) National Laboratory (LLNL) announced the synthesis of element
114. The synthesis of heavier elements has been reported but scientists later retracted the claim because they were unable to confirm their results. The synthesis of element 114 was accomplished
by using a particle accelerator similar to the one shown here. A beam of calcium-48 atoms was accelerated to bombard a film of plutonium-244. After 40 days of experimentation, the elements
finally fused to form element 114.
Element 114 is also called ununquadium (Uuq) and it has a mass of 289. Uuq-289 undergoes a series of alpha decays in about 34 minutes. This time span is an unusually long for a superheavy
From the information given concerning element 114, complete the following: a. Number of protons ________ b. Number of neutrons _______ c. Number of electrons in a neutral atom _________
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