Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 9: Covalent Bonding

Web Links

Polar Covalent Bonds
At this site, view a diagram of the polar covalent bonds in a water molecule. Click on the links to see examples of other molecules with polar covalent bonds.
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All About Covalent Compounds
Learn about covalent compounds at this site. Scroll down the page to learn the rules for naming covalent compounds.
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More on Covalent Bonding
Visit this site to learn about covalent bonding. Click on the diagrams to view a movie on covalent bonding.
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Atomic Bonding in Copper Oxide
Visit this site to see a photographic image of covalent bonding in copper oxide. Read the article to see why this image makes a significant scientific discovery.
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Ammonia and the Haber-Bosch Process
Visit this site to find out more information about the chemical structure and manufacturing process for producing ammonia. Find out how the synthesis of ammonia prolonged World War I.
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Chem Connection Modules
Visit this site to view animations on various chemistry topics and find out how the material presented relates to real world situations.
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