Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 35: The Digestive and Endocrine Systems

Web Links

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Biology of the Digestive System
Visit the Merck Manual online to more about the digestive system. Which functions of the liver are related to digestion? What digestive enzymes are released from the pancreas?
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Your Digestive System and How it Works
This site covers digestion from the physical structures in the human body to the hormones that control digestion. Develop a flow chart that shows where the different digestive juices are produced and what they help digest.
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Digestive System Diseases
The National Institutes of Health has compiled a long list of digestive system disorders. Select one of the disorders on the list and prepare a bulletin board display about the disorder. Include information about what causes the disease, what the symptoms are, possible treatments, and geographical locations that the disorder is commonly found.
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The Endocrine System
Follow the link to "mechanisms of hormone action" to find out how hormones can change their target cells. What are the two ways that hormones change cells? Take a tour through the endocrine system. Find out what role vitamin D plays in the endocrine system.
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Digestive Enzymes: The Missing Link
Read this article by Marilyn Bitomsky describing the functions of digestive enzymes. Why are enzymes important for overall health?
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How Does Amylase Starch Digestion Work?
What is the difference between alpha amylase and pancreatic amylase? What is the best temperature for enzyme actions?
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Find out enzyme facts at this site. Use a Venn diagram to compare catalysts and enzymes. What are enzymes made of?
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Partnership for Healthy Weight Management
This site is maintained by professionals who promote safe methods of weight loss. Find out what they have to say about ad campaigns with "miracle" claims.
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Amazing Claims
Facts about weight loss and the product claims that exist.
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The Obesity News
This is an online newsletter about obesity and how to fight it. What are some effective methods to fight obesity?
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Fad Diets
The American Heart Association has declared war on fad diets. Visit this site to learn why fad diets can be dangerous and unhealthy. Choose a famous fad diet and explain its dangers using the AHA's criteria.
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Microbiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract
There can be over 400 species of bacteria in human digestive systems. Most of these species are beneficial, but some are not. How do "helpful" bacteria prevent other bacteria from causing disease? How do bacteria aid in digestion?
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Probiotics - Bacteria that are Good for Your Health
What does "probiotic" mean? What are some examples of probiotics for humans?
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Microbe Zoo - Animal Pavilion
Visit this colorful site to learn how bacteria benefit humans. Scroll down the page for a partial list of microbes found in human intestines.
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