Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Section 1: The Nervous System

The Nervous System

__________ is the space that separates neurons.
A)The myelin sheath
B)The synapse
C)The cerebrum
D)The cell body
Which part of the brain stem controls involuntary activities?
A)the medulla oblongata
B)the dendrites
C)the cerebral cortex
D)the synapses
Which part of the nervous system is made up of cranial nerves and spinal nerves and all of their branches?
A)the central nervous system
B)the somatic nervous system
C)the parasympathetic nervous system
D)the sympathetic nervous system
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This illustration shows the human brain. Which part of the brain is this?
A)the skull
B)the pons
C)the cerebellum
D)the cerebrum
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Look at the illustration of a neuron below. Which part of a neuron is this?
A)a dendrite
B)an axon
C)a nucleus
D)a neurotransmitter
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