Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Section 1: The Respiratory System

The Respiratory System

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This table shows data that compares the percentages of gases in inhaled air and exhaled air in the human body. According to this data, which of these statements is true?
A)There is a decreased percentage of oxygen in exhaled air as compared to inhaled air.
B)The only gases that compose inhaled air and exhaled air are nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
C)The percentages of carbon dioxide are the same in inhaled air and exhaled air.
D)Nitrogen percentages are increased in inhaled air as compared to exhaled air.
Which of these is the process that removes carbon dioxide from a person's body?
__________ covers the trachea when a person swallows food.
A)The alveoli
B)The esophagus
C)The epiglottis
D)The diaphragm
As air travels deeper into a person's body, it goes through the larynx then enters __________.
A)the alveoli
B)the nasal cavity
C)the capillary network
D)the trachea
Which part of the human brain controls breathing?
A)the cerebellum
B)the cerebrum
C)the hippocampus
D)the medulla oblongata
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