Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 8: Cellular Transport and the Cell Cycle

Web Links

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Membrane Transport
Visit this site to learn about three types of cellular transport. Use the menu to select the type of transport that you want to learn more about.
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The Cell Cycle Game
Visit this site to learn more about the cell cycle. Click on the cycles and watch them divide while you wait for the game to load.
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Animated Cell Cycle
This site shows an animated explanation of the cell cycle. Click on the link "Animal Cell Mitosis" to see more.
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Stages of Mitosis, Biology 1110 Laboratory Mitosis
Visit this site for a summary of the steps of mitosis. What is the last event to occur during prophase? View the slides of each stage and present them to a partner.
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Access this site for descriptions and photos of each stage of mitosis. This site provides definitions of terms used. What is cytokinesis? What is a spindle?
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Visit this site to watch an animation of mitosis. Click on the link "Fact of the Week" to read a fun science fact.
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An Introduction to Skin Cancer
Here is a good introduction to skin cancer and several tips on how to reduce your risks. It also includes a daily UV chart. Access this chart and find out what the UV index is for your area.
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Project S.A.F.E.T.Y.
This is an organization that educates students on the dangers of skin cancer and overexposure to the sun, including a special program for high schoolers. Prepare a presentation for the rest of the class that explains how they can reduce their risks for skin cancer.
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Photos of Skin Cancers
Visit this site to see what skin cancer looks like. Click on the links on the left side of the screen to view photos of various skin cancers.
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How does cancer grow?
Visit this site to learn how cancer grows. Click on the squares from left to right to see the process.
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Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Visit this site to learn about this genetic disorder. Click on the links to find more information.
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Cystic Fibrosis
This web site had several links to information on cystic fibrosis. Click on the interactive tutorial to view a clip about this disorder.
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