Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina EditionChapter 11:
DNA and GenesWeb Links
p. 297
| National Society of Genetic Counselors | | This is the Web page for the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC), representing more than 1,500 genetic counselors. What sort of education is required for you to become a genetic counselor? (
) |  |  |  | Genetic Counselor | | Visit this site to more about becoming a genetic counselor. Click on the link "Educational Information." Read a profile about a scientist that works in the genetic field. (
) |  |  |  | Prenatal Genetic Counseling | | Visit this sight to learn the kind of problems a genetic counselor may tackle? Why is it important for a genetic counselor to work well with people? (
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p. 303
| The Watson-Crick Model | | Visit this site to learn about the Watson-Crick Model. Click on the link "Base pairing in DNA: The Watson -Crick Model. Go back to the main menu and explore some of the other topics on the page. (
) |  |  |  | The Discovery of the Double-Helical Structure of DNA | | Visit this site to learn about the scientists that discovered the structure of DNA. What were some of the problems that had to be overcome? (
) |  |  |  | DNA Structure | | This site has a lot of information about DNA structure and several graphics. Click on one of the links to find more information. Be sure to visit the Graphics Gallery. Draw your own model of DNA. (
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p. 304
| STM Image Gallery | | Visit this site to see various examples of images from a scanning tunneling microscope, which is used to "view" actual atoms. After visiting this site, describe to a friend the different types of atoms you have seen. (
) |  |  |  | OMICRON: Application Examples | | This SPM's manufacturer's site offers several examples of SPM images. Visit this site and view various images. How do SPM images differ from light microscope images. Draw pictures in your science journal that show the differences. (
) |  |  |  | Scanned Images | | This site has more images taken with scanning tunneling microscopes. Click on an image to open a page that contains more information about the photograph. (
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p. 307
| Cystic Fibrosis | | Visit this site for information on cystic fibrosis. What causes cystic fibrosis and what are the symptoms? (
) |  |  |  | Cystic Fibrosis | | This site has additional information on cystic fibrous. How is cystic fibrosis passed on to future generations? (
) |  |  |  | Cystic Fibrosis | | Visit this site provided by the Mayo Clinic for information on cystic fibrosis. Which segment of the population does this disorder primarily affect? (
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