Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Section 2: Mechanisms of Evolution

Mechanisms of Evolution

Which of these occurs when organisms that had historically interbred can no longer mate and produce fertile offspring?
C)geographic isolation
D)reproductive isolation
Which of these favors only one of the extreme variations of a trait?
A)directional selection
B)equilibrium selection
C)disruptive selection
D)stabilizing selection
A plant that grows in North America and one that grows in the African desert look similar but are not related. What is this an example of?
A)reproductive isolation
B)convergent evolution
C)divergent evolution
D)adaptive radiation
__________ occurs when speciation happens in quick, rapid bursts, followed by periods of genetic equilibrium in between.
A)Reproductive isolation
B)Punctuated equilibrium
C)Genetic drift
D)Stabilizing selection
A population that is __________ is not evolving.
A)in genetic equilibrium
B)in genetic drift
C)geographically isolated
D)part of the gene pool
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