Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 17: Organizing Life's Diversity

Web Links

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The Tree of Life
Visit this site to learn more about the phylogenetic relationships of organisms. To which group do frogs belong? What are their closest living relatives?
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Natural Perspective
This site gives information about organisms in kingdoms: Monera, Protoctista (Protista), Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Click on the links to visit the kingdoms. Create your own dichotomous key to classify the different kingdoms and phylums.
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The Diversity of Life
Visit this interactive site to learn about the diversity of life. Click on a link to learn more about different species.
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p. 448
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National Science Teachers Association
For over half a century, the National Science Teachers Association has been supporting science educators. Visit their Web site and check out the "What's Hot" section. Summarize one of the topics in your science journal.
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How to Construct and Use a Dichotomous Key
Visit this site to learn how to make and use your own dichotomous key. Scroll down the page and click on the link "Instructions" to find the information.
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What is the name of this plant?
Visit this site for practice using a dichotomous key. Use a sample of a plant from your area and use the dichotomous key to identify it.
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Non-Human Animals
How Biological Clocks Work: The National Institutes of Health site on biological clocks has a wealth of information about circadian rhythms. When was the first circadian gene located? In what animal was it located?
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Biotiming Tutorial - Human Clocks
This tutorial will guide you through the research leading up to what is presently understood about human biological clocks. What part of the brain regulates your biological clock?
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Hawaiian Honeycreeper
Visit this site to read about the molecular clock of the Hawaiian honeycreeper. What is a Hawaiian honeycreeper?
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The Reptile Database
Visit this site for classification information on reptiles. Click on a picture to open up the database.
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Classifying Plants
Visit this site to find classification information about plants. Click on one of the links to access the database.
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Microorganism Database
Visit this site to find classification information from the National Institute of Health. Click on one of the links to find more information.
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Classifications of Flora and Fauna
Visit this site to find classification information on various organisms. Click on a link to access a database.
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