p. 497
The Dirt on Antibacterial Soaps |
| At the Health AtoZ site, you can find out why there's been recent debate about whether or not to use antibacterial soaps. What have researchers learned about how triclosan targets bacteria that have them concerned about resistance. Write about your findings in your science journal. (
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Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery: Antibiotics |
| What do antibiotics look like? Visit this site and find out. Here is a photo gallery of various antibiotics taken under microscopes. Use these images to produce a computer presentation about each of these substances. (
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Home, Bacteria-Ridden Home |
| This Scientific American article warns us how the use of antibacterial soaps could actually lead to antibiotic-resistent strains. Use the information in this article to develop a presentation for the rest of the class on this potential danger. (
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