Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 20: Fungi

Web Links

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What Does Fungi Look Like?
Fungi Images on the Net: Visit this page to get an idea of what many species of fungi look like under the microscope. Select at least five different species from this site to draw and make your own flash cards of. Use your cards to teach others how various species of fungi are different.
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Introduction to the Fungi
Here is a page about the fungi kingdom. Check out the Fun Facts about Fungi and use this information to create a poster you can display in your school.
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The Virtual Library of Mycology
Visit this site for more information on fungi. Click on one of the many links to find more information.
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Visit this site for information on different classes of fungi. Click on the "Next" link at the bottom of the page to find out likes fungi.
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New Zealand Fungi
Visit this site to read about fungi that grows in New Zealand. Click on the photos to display additional photos of fungi.
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Zoosporic Fungi
This site contains additional information about fungi. Click on the name of a fungus to link to information about that particular group of organisms.
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Fungi in Medicine
This site contains historical and current information about fungi that is used in medicines. What evidence is available that penicillin may have been used for treating injuries long before Alexander Fleming?
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A New Antibiotic-Zyvox
Visit this site to read a news release about Zyvox's approval by the FDA in 2000. What does Zyvox do?
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The Antibiotic Arsenal
Visit this site to learn about the antibiotics that are currently available. Click on the link "Antibiotics" to access a list of antibiotics that are available and information about how they work.
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