Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 22: The Diversity of Plants

Web Links

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Centres of Plant Diversity
This site highlights many areas of the Americas where research into plant diversity is occurring. Open one of the maps to see where plant diversity research is happening. Click on one of the green areas on the map to learn the specifics of one of the research areas. How many species of flora are in the research area? Choose one of the categories (vegetation, flora, useful plants, other values, threats, or conservation) and follow the link to learn more detail about that category.
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The American Fern Society
The American Fern Society maintains this informative page about ferns. Click on the “Learn more about Ferns” link to find out more about the history of ferns, their structure, and their life cycle. What are spores?
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The New York Botanical Garden
“What is a Bryophyte Anyway?” Visit this site to find out. What are some examples of bryophytes? What is the characteristic that distinguishes bryophytes from ferns and vascular plants?
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USDA Forest Service
Visit this site to learn how the Forest Service manages federal forest lands. Click on “employment”. Find out about “The Day in the Life” of a forester. Select one of the jobs highlighted to see what a typical day on the job might include.
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The Society of American Foresters
This organization, which has been around since 1900, provides information for professional foresters. Using the career and education information from the SAF, develop a plan on how you can prepare to be a forester.
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The National Arbor Foundation
This site has excellent information about common trees throughout North America. Browse the “tree guide” for a listing of trees, where they can grow, and their environmental requirements.
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USDA - National Agroforestry Center
Visit this site to learn about different agroforestry practices. What does alley cropping involve? Which trees are favored for alley cropping? How might these practices aid in rain forest preservation?
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Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forests
As rain forest land becomes more and more scarce, local farmers are turning to agroforesty for a possible solution to the problem. Scroll down to The Project in the Field to read about one such attempt to revitalize nutrient depleted rain forest land. Develop your own plan to use agroforestry techniques to save rain forest land.
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Global Forest Watch
Global Forest Watch has a site about diversity in American Forests as well as forests in other countries. Follow the link to maps to find areas of the United States that are near you.
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The Rainforest Alliance
This organization supports efforts to preserve the rainforests. Visit this site and learn what is being done to save these delicate ecosystems. Make your own class "Rainforest Report," to teach other students what they can do to save the rainforests.
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SmartWood works to preserve forests all over the world, focusing on the rainforests. What does it take for an organization to receive the SmartWood seal of approval?
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