Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina EditionChapter 23:
Plant Structure and FunctionWeb Links
p. 626
| Botany Online | | Did you know that not all stomates are the same? Visit this site to compare rose stomates to grass, horsetail, or bird-of-paradise stomates. (
) |  |  |  | Sampling Methods | | Different circumstances require different sampling methods and estimation techniques. This site provides step-by-step instructions and practice for random sampling. (
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p. 628
| The Georgia O'Keeffe Online Gallary | | This site highlights a number of O’Keeffe pieces from flowers and trees, to bones and landscapes. How does the reality of the flower paintings compare to those of the trees? (
) |  |  |  | Georgia O'Keeffe Museum | | This museum features history, work, and other information about Georgia O'Keeffe. Make a brochure explaining to people what they can find in the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. (
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p. 630
| Lumber as a Building Material | | Click on the various sections of this page, starting with the introduction. Learn how lumber compares to other building materials. (
) |  |  |  | Michigan Maple Syrup Association | | How does weather affect maple syrup production? Visit this site to find out. Learn about the history of making maple syrup and the methods used today. (
) |  |  |  | Non Timber Forest Products | | From the homepage, follow the link to “species database”. This database enables you to search for trees and other plants that have commercial uses. Select an item from the “item uses” menu and conduct a search. What plants are listed? What states are the plants found in? Click on the “more information” option to find more links to forest product sites. (
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