Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina EditionChapter 26:
Sponges, Cnidarians, Flatworms, and RoundwormsWeb Links
p. 715
| Laboratory of Genes for Regeneration | | Visit this site of the Russian Academy of Science to get a molecular look at planarian regeneration. How does the body plan formation of planarians differ from other invertebrates? (
) |  |  |  | Marine Flatworms of the World - Regeneration | | This site has an excellent description of regeneration and good diagrams that go with the text. How long does it take a planarian to regenerate the lost body part if the conditions are just right? (
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p. 718
| Introduction to Coral Reefs | | Visit this site for general information about reefs and Caribbean reefs specifically. (
) |  |  |  | The Nature Conservancy | | Take a look at where the coral bleaching “hotspots” are around the world. What are some everyday ways to help coral reefs? (
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