Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina EditionChapter 29:
Echinoderms and Invertebrate ChordatesWeb Links
p. 777
| Wonders of the Sea - Echinoderms, The Spiny Animals! | | There is much diversity within the echinoderms. Visit this site to view colorful photos of many of these animals. Make a list of adaptations that these organisms have for life in the water, and another list of reasons why they cannot live on land. (
) |  |  |  | Echinodermata: Morphology, UC Museum of Paleontology | | Follow the link for information about echinoderms, including an SEM image of a sea urchin plate. What are pedicellaria? (
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p. 778
| Spiders; Living Robots | | Spiders can't extend their legs with muscles, so how do they do it? Find out by reading the information at this site. What do spiders use as their "hydraulic fluid"? (
) |  |  |  | The Mid Tide Zone | | The Mid Tide Zone gives information on various animals in a tide pool, including sea stars. Visit this site to read about sea stars' hydraulic pressure system. How do other Chordates attach to rocks? (
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p. 780
| Sea Urchin Model | | The sea urchin industry is the third largest industry in Maine and the seventh in the northeastern states. Visit this site to find out what agencies, fishermen, and processors are trying in order to stabilize the sea urchin population. Where are most of the green sea urchins from the Atlantic shipped to? (
) |  |  |  | Sea Urchin Trade | | What are the issues surrounding the sea urchin trade in California? Find out by visiting this site. When did sea urchin harvest begin in California? (
) |  |  |  | Gulf of Maine Times - Efforts Underway to Revitalize Sea Urchin Industry | | This site has a brief history of the sea urchin industry off the East Coast of the United States. When did the sea urchin harvest peak? How many sea urchins were harvested? (
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