Visit this site to find out about marine mammals. Follow the link to whales, dolphins, and porpoises to find out how many species belong to the order cetaceans. What are some cetacean behaviors? Go back to the Marine Mammal homepage to find out what other animals are considered marine mammals. Why are polar bears considered marine mammals? (
Taxonomic information about more than 4,000 species of mammals; search by common or scientific name. Identify five mammals that live in your area and use this database to gather taxonomic information. Make a animal identification guide for your area. (
Visit this site about these interesting mammals. What are the only two places on Earth that Monotremes are found? Why are they considered primitive mammals? (
Access this site for information about marsupials. How do they differ from placental mammals? On what two continents are marsupials the dominant form of land animal? (
Find out what it takes to be an animal trainer by visiting this site. What are some different goals that animal trainers have when training their animals? Follow the link for one of the related careers and write a "help wanted" ad based on the information about that career. (
Sea World and Busch Gardens have some of the best known animal exhibits in the world. Visit this site to learn what kinds of careers are available in "animal support". Choose one of the jobs listed and in your Science Journal, write an advertisement for that position. (
The American Kennel Club lists 150 different breeds of dogs and records the "ideal" for each breed. (
This site has links to zoos in the United States and other countries. Select a few of these zoo websites to visit and learn what the mission of each zoo is. (
This site is maintained by the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center near Yellowstone National Park. (
What do grizzly bears eat? How do you avoid grizzly bears? What are some things that people can do in order to safely live in bear country? Find the answers to these and many other questions at this Fish and Wildlife Service website. (
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