Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Section 1: Innate Behavior

Innate Behavior

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Look at the chart. On which of these days does the data support that the animals were most likely hibernating?
A)day 690
B)day 280
C)day 45
D)day 405
Which of these statements is NOT true?
A)Behavior patterns that allow animals to survive and reproduce have adaptive value.
B)An animal's behavior can change as the amount of sunlight in a day gets longer.
C)They way an animal responds to a stimulus is governed by its genetic makeup.
D)A specific animal behavior is never the result of natural selection.
Which of these is NOT an example of innate behavior?
A)automatic responses
B)fixed-action patterns
A person is watching a baseball game while sitting behind a fence near home plate. A ball flies off the bat toward the person, who reacts by quickly ducking. The person's behavior is an example of __________.
B)a reflex
C)a territory
When a female hanging fly follows her instinct to mate with a male hanging fly that provides the largest object, the two animals exhibit __________.
A)courtship behavior
C)fight-or-flight response
D)aggressive behavior
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