Responsible Driving

Chapter 5: Basic Control Tasks

Basic Control Tasks

Lesson 1
In this lesson, you will learn about the basic procedures for starting and moving a vehicle with automatic transmission.
Lesson 2
This lesson will define acceleration and deceleration, and explore how they are related to speed control. You will examine the important relationship between speed control and risk management.
Lesson 3
In this lesson, you will learn about the basic procedures for starting, moving, and stopping vehicles with manual transmissions.
Lesson 4
You will learn that changes in three major highway conditions —visibility, traction, and space—determine whether drivers should make speed adjustments.
Lesson 5
You will learn that changes in three major highway conditions —visibility, traction, and space—determine whether drivers should make speed adjustments.
Lesson 6
In this lesson, you will learn about the four components of total stopping distance: human perception, human-reaction time, vehicle-reaction time, and vehicle-braking distance.
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