Responsible Driving

Chapter 5: Basic Control Tasks

Practice Driving Tests

Select the phrase that best completes each sentence below. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen to the left of each statement.

_____1. When backing your vehicle, (pg. 93)

a. you should use your rearview mirror.

b. you look over your shoulder to see where you are going.

c. your vehicle's front swings in the same direction in which the steering wheel is turning.

d. you should do all of the above.

_____2. You set a vehicle's automatic choke by (pg. 92)

a. pressing the brake pedal once to the floor and then releasing it.

b. pressing the clutch pedal once to the floor and then releasing it.

c. having a mechanic give your vehicle a tune-up.

d. doing none of the above.

_____3. After starting your engine, you should (pg. 93)

a. check that the oil pressure system is working.

b. activate your turn signal.

c. pull into traffic.

d. check your oil dipstick.

_____4. The amount of foot pressure required to stop a vehicle depends on (pg. 98)

a. the size and weight of the vehicle.

b. the road surface.

c. the type of brakes on the vehicle.

d. all of the above.

_____5. After coming to a red light while driving a vehicle with an automatic transmission, you (pg. 98)

a. leave the vehicle in Drive.

b. shut the engine down.

c. put the car's transmission in Reverse.

d. put the car's transmission in Park.

_____6. Locking your wheels in an emergency braking situation (pg. 98-99)

a. decreases braking effectiveness.

b. can make you go into a skid.

c. increases your stopping distance.

d. can do all of the above.

_____7. The effect of threshold braking is to (pg. 99)

a. cause skids.

b. lock wheels.

c. prevent locking of wheels.

d. increase stopping distance.

_____8. Vehicles with manual-shift transmissions (pg. 100)

a. usually cost more than automatics.

b. can reduce fuel consumption if driven properly.

c. do not have clutches.

d. are easier to drive than vehicles with automatic transmission.

_____9. The friction point is (pg. 101)

a. the place where the wheels meet the pavement.

b. the point where, as you let up on the clutch pedal, the transmission and engine engage.

c. the point where, as you push down on the brake, the vehicle begins to slow down.

d. the place where the brake shoes rub against the wheel drum.

_____10. When you want to downshift from Second gear to First, (pg. 103)

a. don't.

b. you should be going very slowly, almost stopped.

c. your speed should be no more than 28 mph.

d. your speed should be no more than 22 mph.

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