Physical Science, New York Edition

Chapter 13: Light

Standardized Test Practice

Which of the following produces electromagnetic waves?
A)stationary charged particles
B)changing magnetic field
C)constant magnetic field
D)moving neutrons
In a radio signal, the top wave has been modified to carry information, producing the bottom wave. This represents _______.

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A)frequency modulation
B)microwave signal
C)amplitude modulation
D)changing wavelengths
In a radio signal, the top wave has been modified to carry information, producing the bottom wave. The top wave is called the _______.

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A)base wave
B)carrier wave
C)high frequency wave
D)modulated wave
What colors are the glowing spots that are combined to form the different colors in the image on a television screen?
A)red, green, blue
B)cyan, magenta, yellow
C)red, green, blue, black
D)red, yellow, blue
How is interference avoided between the signals that come to your cordless phone tranceiver and those that it sends?
A)The signals have different amplitudes.
B)The signals are modulated differently.
C)The signals travel at different speeds.
D)The signals have different frequencies.
What type of electromagnetic wave transmits thermal energy from a fireplace door?
B)infrared waves
D)ultraviolet waves
If you arranged the list of electromagnetic waves shown above in order from shortest to longest wavelength, which would be last on the list?

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A)gamma rays
B)radio waves
C)ultraviolet waves
D)visible light
If you arranged the list of electromagnetic waves shown above in order from shortest to longest wavelength, which would be closest to microwaves?

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A)gamma rays
B)infrared waves
C)ultraviolet waves
D)visible light
Electromagnetic waves can behave as a particle. This particle is called a _______.
Suncreen is designed to protect your skin from exposure to too much _______.
A)ultraviolet radiation
B)gamma radiation
C)infrared radiation
D)visible light
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