Physical Science, New York Edition

Chapter 15: Classification of Matter

Self-Check Quiz.-Eng.

A characteristic of a material that can be observed without changing the identity of the material is a __________ .
A)physical change
B)physical property
C)chemical property
D)chemical change
Which of the following is a physical property?
D)changes when exposed to light
The ability of a metal to be drawn out into thin wires is a __________ .
A)physical change
B)physical property
C)chemical property
D)chemical change
A change in size, shape, or state of matter is a __________ .
A)physical property
B)chemical property
C)physical change
D)chemical change
Which of the following is a physical change?
A)lighter fluid burning
B)iron turning white when heated
C)eggs rotting
D)bikes rusting
A __________ is a characteristic of a substance that indicates whether it can undergo a certain chemical change.
A)physical property
B)physical change
C)chemical property
D)chemical change indicator
A change of one substance to another is a __________ .
A)chemical change
B)physical change
C)physical reaction
D)chemical property
The law of conservation of mass states that __________ .
A)matter can be created and destroyed but does not change forms
B)the mass of all substances present before a change equals the mass of all the substances remaining after the change
C)in a chemical reaction, efforts should be made to preserve rare elements without changing them
D)in a chemical reaction, the final mass of the products is always greater than the starting mass of the reactants
Which of the following is an example of physical weathering?
A)change of calcium carbonate in limestone to calcium hydrogen carbonate
B)formation of the White Cliffs of Dover
C)formation of stalactites in a cave
D)formation of a canyon by a flowing stream
Which of the following is a chemical change?
A)burning of a log
B)crushing an aspirin tablet
C)evaporation of water off a lake
D)boiling water
Physical Science - New York Edition
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