Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 1: Living A Healthy Life

Student Web Activities Lesson 3: Your Behavior and Reducing Health Risks

In this lesson, you have learned about some risk behaviors that can harm your health and the health of others. Some of these pose cumulative dangers: when you repeat the behavior, you are increasingly at risk for negative health consequences. You have learned the value of abstaining from dangerous and unhealthy activities. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has complied detailed data on risky behaviors that commonly affect the health of youth and young adults. Visit the CDC Web site to learn about the prevalence of preventable health-risk behaviors.

Links to Explore:
CDC's Adolescent and School Health Information


    • Click on the CDC link and go to the report on Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, United States, 2003.
    • Read the report, paying special attention to the Abstract and Introduction.
    • After you have read this report, answer the following questions:

What are the six categories of teen priority risk behaviors that the CDC addresses in this report?
These priority risk behaviors are a leading cause of disease and death among people 25 and older. In what part of life are these behaviors often established?
According to this report, the primary causes of death among adults age 25 and older are cancer and cardiovascular disease. What can youth and young adults do to minimize their chances of getting these diseases later in life?
What is the most common cause of death among youth and young adults ages 10 to 24 years old?
According to this report, what behaviors may contribute to unintentional injuries or death in motor vehicle accidents?
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