Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 10: Skills for Healthy Relationships

Student Web Activities Lesson 3: Resolving Conflict

Conflict resolution is a vital skill that you will need throughout your life in virtually all of your business and personal relationships, and one of the simplest ways to resolve a conflict is to simply apologize. However, many people find apologizing difficult. They think it shows weakness, and besides, they don’t know how to do it. At this Web site, you can learn how saying you’re sorry can show strength of character, and get some tips for making an effective apology.

Links to Explore:
The Power of Apologies'


    • Click on the link and read the article.
    • Then answer the following questions.

What is the advantage of apologizing?
If you have committed an offense, is apologizing always the right thing to do? Why or why not?
If you did not offend someone on purpose, do you need to apologize? Why or why not?
Is it always appropriate to include an explanation of why you acted a certain way in an apology? Why or why not?
If someone apologizes to you, what can you do to further mend the relationship?
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