Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 11: Family Relationships

Student Web Activities Lesson 2: Change and the Family

Every family has to deal with many changes, some more important than others: children are born; grandparents die; parents divorce. This lesson explores many of the positive and negative transformations your family might undergo, and suggests ways to cope with related stress. Some negative changes, such as divorce, a death in the family, and even the death of a pet, may trigger grief reactions. You can learn more about grief at the Web site below.

Links to Explore:
How to Deal with Grief


    • Click on the link How to Deal with Grief and read the page.
    • Then answer the following questions:

List three examples cited on this page of events that can cause grief.
Name one symptom of grief that is practically universal.
In addition to emotional distress, name three physical symptoms a grieving person might experience.
What is the expected time frame for grief?
According to this Web site, what are the four steps of grief?
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